Care Quality Commission

Like all mental health services, we are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and are registered with them for the services we provide to patients. The CQC conduct both unannounced and announced inspections and review the quality of care we provide to patients.

Our Trust underwent a comprehensive CQC inspection of our nine core services in November 2018. As a result of the inspection the CQC rated our services as ‘Requires Improvement’. In response to the CQC findings, the Trust has made many improvements, which include but not limited to:

  • The development of a ‘How to Write a Good Care Plan Guide’.
  • A Blanket Restrictions policy has been written and implemented Trust wide.
  • The WHAT handover policy was developed and implemented with the aim of providing a consistent process for the handover of patient clinical information at the end of a shift.
  • A formal review of local governance arrangements has taken place with these new arrangements now in place.
  • The development of a vulnerability protocol in order to risk assess service users’ needs for the receipt of a portable assistance alarm.
  • Ongoing innovation such as the launch of the inpatient portal and the physical health app.
  • The Trust has introduced TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) to more effectively support staff wellbeing following an incident.
  • Section 62 and SOAD has been incorporated into the monthly Mental Health Act audits.
  • The Seclusion Policy has been reviewed and an observation app has been introduced to support the effective implementation of this.
  • There are various QI projects taking place to address key issues in the Trust including smoking, care plans and improving the seclusion experience.

We are proud that the CQC reported that across the domains of Caring and Responsive (to patients’ needs) we are a Good Trust.

The CQC’s full report can be found on their website here.

Sign-posting to CQC’s Share your experience portal on CQC’s website or queries helpline would also be encouraged on any existing digital channels in place, such as your website.

Give feedback on care – Care Quality Commission

You may also find it useful to use our widget to link directly from your service’s website to your profile on our website, so that the people who use your service are kept up-to-date on the standards you are meeting. Our code is RXT.

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