Our priorities set out what we will do to deliver our vision and live our values.
They support us to stay focussed on what is important to us and make sure we are using our resources to do the right things.
Clinical services
Transforming how we work to provide the best care in the right way in the right place at the right time, with joined up care across health and social care.
Creating the best place to work and ensuring we have a workforce with the right values, skills, diversity and experience to meet the evolving needs of our service users.
Delivering the highest quality services in a safe inclusive environment where our service users, their families, carers and staff have positive experiences, working together to continually improve.
Being recognised as an excellent, digitally enabled organisation which performs strongly and efficiently, working in partnership for the benefit of our population.
You can read more detail about our priorities and how we will achieve them in our Trust Five Year Strategy.