In just over a week’s time, our service users and staff at the Early Interventions Service will be climbing Scafell Pike to raise money for our charity, Caring Minds.  

On Friday 14 June, a team of six service users and four staff members will be climbing up the iconic Scafell Pike in the Lake District. Their aim is to raise £500 that can be used towards funding equipment or activities for mental health patients that are over and above what the NHS can afford.

Our Early Interventions Service (EIS) works to support people aged 14-65 who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. This might involve seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) and believing things that are not actually true (delusions). It may also involve confused (disordered) thinking and speaking.

Towering at 3,209 feet high, the summit of Scafell Pike will be a challenge, but it is one that the group are looking forward to conquering. As well as raising funds, this trip will combine the benefits of physical exercise, a sense of community and more than anything, pride in themselves for achieving a goal set.

Coordinator of the event, Luke Rose, Lead Health Instructor, said:

“Some of our service users had set what they thought were ‘unrealistic’ goals when they accessed support from the health instructors within EIS, however, with strong determination and mindset, these goals are now very much achievable!

Empowering service users to realise their potential really is the foundation of everything we do, whether it be through gym-based exercise, mountain biking, tennis or any other form of physical activity.

“The positive impact that some of our smaller hikes and photography walks have had on service users’ physical and mental health really does speak for itself.”

If you would like to contribute towards this fundraising expedition, no matter how big or small, your donation will be very much appreciated for all involved. 

Visit their JustGiving page today.