Regardless of where we are, when a group of women come together and talk about our health it is very powerful.
Patients and colleagues on our female acute wards have been raising awareness about breast cancer recently.
Thanks to our Participation and Experience team, the event was carefully orchestrated with the aim to help educate more women on what signs and symptoms of breast cancer to look out for.
Patients and colleagues worked hard to produce an array of pink decorations that transformed our communal rooms across Eden Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, Japonica and Larimar Wards.

Charity Breast Cancer Now were also in attendance, helping the group to craft crocheted breasts for a self-check awareness activity and provided information leaflets to help others understand more about the disease.
Jayne Archer, Participation and Experience Worker worked with colleagues on each ward to organise the events. Jayne said:
“Seeing our service users struggling with their journey to mental health recovery and embrace the opportunity to support a women’s health awareness event has been very humbling. Each ward has bought their own unique style and made the event fun and enjoyable. It has not been about raising money but interactive awareness. I’d like to give a special thanks to the activity workers who took on board the concept and created an amazing event as well.”
Roísìn Fallon-Williams, Chief Executive of the Trust attended the event at Larimar Ward and said:
“Regardless of where we are, when a group of women come together and talk about our health it is very powerful.”
Service user Ciara said:
“I worked so hard for this event, my best friend and members of my family have been affected by this disease and that is why I have created so many items to sell.”
Further sessions will take place at other BSMHFT acute female wards throughout August. The team took the opportunity to promote our Trust charity, Caring Minds who also provided merchandise for the events.
Published: 20 August 2024