Today we are shining the light on our Birmingham Healthy Minds South team, who helped, listened and was kind to a service user.

“The lady that helped me through my difficult time was Catherine, she was exceptional in her understanding of my needs. She could easily empathise with what I was going through. She listened, was kind and helped me week after week with daily and weekly tasks.”

The service user also said:

“Not once did Catherine judge me or make me feel this was all me. Catherine was instrumental in my recovery and my ongoing recovery. I will be forever grateful for her caring, compassionate support that she gave me. Catherine always listened to my concerns and then fed back on my weekly tasks and after our discussions.”

You can find out more about Birmingham Healthy Minds on our website

The lady that helped me through my difficult time was Catherine, she was exceptional in her understanding of my needs. She could easily empathise with what I was going through. She listened, was kind and helped me week after week with daily and weekly tasks.