An exciting workshop organised by the mental health provider collaborative will be taking place soon, and we are encouraging you to come along and share your views.
No Health Without Mental Health is a community voices workshop that aims to address health inequalities in Birmingham and Solihull.

This event aims to bring together a range of people including mental health commissioning leads, voluntary and community sector organisations, members of the community, community champions and professionals working in healthcare to:
- Consider the current challenges, issues, and opportunities in relation to health inequalities and mental health services in Birmingham and Solihull
- Listen to stories and information regarding people’s experiences of mental health services in Birmingham and Solihull
- Discuss findings from the experience of mental health services campaign and consider opportunities for improvement and possible further actions and next steps
- Discuss the ongoing mental health needs assessment for Birmingham and Solihull and opportunities this will present to address health inequalities
- Support a joined-up approach to addressing health inequalities and coordinated approach between different organisations within the Birmingham and Solihull system
- To explore opportunities for members of the community to be involved in helping shape next steps and be involved in mental health provider collaborative strategy development.
This unique event will play a huge part in helping to shaping the future of mental heath services across the patch.
The event takes place Tuesday 18 June at 9.30am-3pm, The H Suite Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 0AA. Please visit the online form today to book your place.
Published: 11 June 2024