Our experts by experience programme at BSMHFT works closely with and develops the skills of people who have used the Trust services. One of our experts by experience, Abdirisak Hussein, wrote a book based on his own journey and experience with mental health. Caring Minds were really pleased to hold a small book launch and fund copies of his book, ‘The Best Recovery’ to help celebrate the success. (photo: The Best Recovery)
Abdi worked actively alongside Occupational Therapists at Tamarind as a patient peer support worker helping them in their recovery as a recovered service user. He was active in a lot of support sessions including art and craft sessions, cookery gardening, music, and creative writing. It was in this session of creative writing that Abdi fully poured all his efforts into developing and improving his wonderful creative writing skills that brought about his book,
Sharon Jeffers, Past Tamarind Occupational therapy team staff member says,
Following each writing session Abdi would show me his writing works that he had worked on tirelessly in his own time. Abdi’s works were very captivating and fascinating to read. Abdi and I discussed writing his own memos of his life story, his road to recovery, suggested as an idea to Abdi. I would never imagine that Abdi would have ever taken me seriously. Each week Abdi would further develop his writings which Abdi would bring into sessions for me to read. My word, how fascinating was his story, it immediately absorbed you into his very traumatic world, one that could easily draw one into a downward slope and into a mental illness.
Here, was a story of truth, hardship, turning things negative around positively a long road to finding self-discovery/worth, and finally recovery. With the care and support from occupational therapists over the years and trained clinicians Abdi was able to recover and then write this wonderful, fascinating, moving book about his best recovery.
Abdi says,
I believe that my story resonates with many people who were not getting right support at times of difficulties in some part of their lives and in particular those whose background are either refugees or immigrants who settled here in the UK and many other communities who share the same plight with us who face as many challenges and barriers as we face and feel the need to hear and understand stories that could console them and tell that they are not alone but need to know that we are in this journey together. We need to make collective effort to effect change in the system and to improve our situations and overcome all barriers that are laid in front to prevent us from fully participating in the society we live in and to be part of them.
I hope the story of this book will widen the horizon of many people who read this book I called ‘the best recovery’ naming it after my successful recovery and think will depict my real journey which will make anyone to understand of how I transformed myself from the brink to a well and stable person with the help and support of the well-respected professionals, who enabled me to recover and to improve the quality of my life while at the same time helping me lead an independent life which is allowing me to become an educated and self-sufficient person. I fully appreciate all the people who contributed towards all aspects of my progress in life and always remember the contribution they made towards my wellbeing.

Published: 22 January 2024