Today we are celebrating Viba Pavan Kumar, Consultant Clinical Psychologist who was nominated by Kiran Badesha. Kiran said:
“Viba demonstrates a commitment to ensuring inclusion, equality, and diversity on a daily basis. She acts as a role model for many, as a South Asian woman, leading through values and demonstrating compassion, meaningful action, and hearing the voices of all before implementing changes. Viba has created a safe environment for the whole team to be heard, and for our service users to be considered, with respect for their unique journeys and stories. Her kind approach and her ability to advocate for minoritized voices is inspirational and deserves to be celebrated. Thank you, Viba!”
Viba was asked about her role and what equality, diversity and inclusion means to her. Viba said:
“Having grown up in a country where the healthcare system was largely private, I was (and still am) in absolute awe of the NHS – its principles of socialised healthcare promise equitable access to good quality healthcare for all.
I try my best to be an advocate for those from minority ethnic groups, those with disabilities, and those who may be seen as otherwise ‘different’ from the dominant majority. As a psychologist my aim is to help those from marginalised groups access psychological services and explore ways to ensure that our service delivery system is fair. I am involved in a Quality Improvement project that is seeking to address enhancement of staff cultural competencies. I am lucky to have a manager who understands and nurtures my passion and supports me in my efforts.
In terms of who inspires me- the list is too long! Anyone who embodies integrity, honesty, tenacity, and simplicity can make it to that list.
Except for a brief two-year stint at another Trust, I’ve worked with BSMHFT since 2013 and have witnessed its evolution not only in terms of workforce composition but also in terms of embracing policies and ways of working that are more inclusive. There has been a palpable change in the work culture and attitudes towards all thing’s equality, diversity and inclusion.
We may not always get it right, but we can, in various capacities at least make a start!”

Published: 19 March 2024