Emergency Planning

As an NHS Foundation Trust, BSMHFT are required to act as Category One Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. As such we have several responsibilities, one of which is our responsibility to ‘warn, inform and advise’ the public on matters which may have the potential to impact their health or wellbeing.

In recent years we have seen an increase in adverse weather events that have the potential to impact our staff, service users, carers, and the wider community. The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Met Office deliver a dedicated platform for Heat Health-Alerts from 1 June 2023 and for Cold Weather Alerts from 1 November to 31 March each year. The Met Office also issue weather warnings through the National Severe Weather Warning Service (NSWWS).

As part of our responsibilities, BSMHFT will use this space to cascade the warnings which have the potential to impact the public, as well as provide links to support and guidance on how to manage during these adverse weather periods. The current level of alert can be found here

This space is also where you will find current guidance, should we need to implement any visiting restrictions outside of our ‘business as usual’ arrangements, in relation to Covid or any other infectious disease outbreak. We will also share any other alerts which we receive from local government which have the potential to impact the health and wellbeing of our community.

Further information and useful links

Get prepared for emergencies

Hot weather and Health: supporting vulnerable people

Find the latest weather forecasts and warnings

Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service

Flood Alerts and Warnings

Heatwave: how to cope in hot weather – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Beat the heat: hot weather advice – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Cold Weather Payment: Overview – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Keep Warm and well: Staying safe in cold weather



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