Supporting young people into work or training is something that is pro-actively encouraged at Ardenleigh. The James Brindley School embedded within the service provides a fantastic stepping stone, beginning with a personalised curriculum plan which is developed to meet the needs of the individual.
The school service continue to strive to offer a curriculum that is broad and balanced, which provides opportunities for personalised learning. All students follow courses in English, Mathematics, ICT, Design Technology, Food Technology, Humanities, Art, P.E, PSHE/Citizenship and the ASDAN suite of awards scheme. The school is constantly reviewing the different courses available to our young people within these subjects so that they are able to offer a range of different accreditations to suit different needs.
All pupils follow their set timetable, but thanks to the small groups, there is a flexibility to be able to adapt our planning to accommodate different learning needs. The school works hard to develop a close working relationship between education staff and all other disciplines to encourage and motivate each young person to reach his or her full potential.
Please click below for more information on James Brindley School.