The homeless primary care team provides a specialised primary care service for homeless adults.
Who uses our service
The homeless primary care service is available to people (aged 16+ in Birmingham and Solihull) who are not currently registered with a General Practitioner and who are:
- Rough sleepers
- Residents of emergency hostels, night shelters, domestic violence refuges and recognised and defined supported accommodation for people who have been homeless
- Users of Birmingham services dedicated to supporting homeless people
- Squatters
- People temporarily staying with friends (e.g. sleeping on floors, settees etc.) without an alternative address to return to apart from destitution
- Ex-homeless clients at a continued risk of becoming homeless
How we can help
The service provides:
- Full registration with a General Practitioner
- Access to practice nursing, minor illness and chronic disease clinics
- Community primary care nursing outreach service to partner agencies
- Alcohol specialist nurses for assessment and treatment of alcohol problems
- Primary care mental health service including consultant psychiatrist, CPN and counselling
How to access our services
This service can be accessed either by self referral or by referral from other agencies working with homeless service users.