For adults over 16 years of age we offer assessment, opinion and advice on risk management for any general neuropsychiatry condition.
This includes identified or suspected psychiatric symptoms resulting from a neurological and/or neurosurgical disorder that are not part of an adjustment disorder or other pre-existing mental health problem, and require specialist assessment and management., including nervous system complications of systemic disorders (HIV, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sarcoidosis, metabolic disorders and others) where patients are under primary and secondary care who will continue with their ongoing care.
We offer assessment and treatment for adults over 16 years of age who have Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) that have failed to improve with primary or secondary care management and where there is unacceptable symptom control. Also, for people with FND with high severity of symptoms.
We also offer assessment and diagnosis for people with likely functional neurological disorders where there is uncertainty regarding diagnosis and all relevant tests and scans have been completed by primary and secondary care.
How to refer
Referrals are accepted from local, regional and national organisations at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Please complete our single point of access referral form, preferably attaching an informative letter stating reason for referral, summarising presenting and previous treatment strategies and relevant investigations. You can also use the FND screening questionnaire below if referring for FND.
For support and advice concerning a referral please contact our service on:
Jackie Robinson Central Adminstrator/Funding Coordinator 0121 301 2321
Kim Piercy Service Manager 0121 301 2285
Referral Criteria
Inclusion criteria:
- Adults over 16 years of age.
- For assessment and opinion only and advice on risk management: Identified or suspected psychiatric symptoms resulting from a neurological and/or neurosurgical disorder that are not part of an adjustment disorder or other pre-existing mental health problem, and require specialist assessment and management., including nervous system complications of systemic disorders (HIV, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sarcoidosis, metabolic disorders and others) where patients are under primary and secondary care who will continue with their ongoing care.
- For assessment and treatment:
- Functional neurological disorders that have failed to improve with primary or secondary care management and there is unacceptable symptom control.
- Functional neurological disorders with high severity of symptoms.
- Likely functional neurological disorders where there is uncertainty regarding diagnosis and all relevant tests and scans have been completed by primary and secondary care.
Exclusion criteria
- Primary issue is functional/dissociative seizures. Please refer to non-epileptic attack disorder pathway.
- Primary concern is pain. Please refer to local pain management services.
- Primary concern is health anxiety. Please refer to local psychology services.
- Primary concern is a neurodevelopmental condition. Please refer to specialist neurodevelopmental services.
- Primary issue is acquired brain injury. Please refer to local specialist brain injury services.
- Where patient has significant learning difficulties and will not be able to use self-management strategies.
- Where patient has unstable acute mental health difficulties and is not being supported by secondary mental health services. As we are a tertiary service, we are unable to respond in an emergency and do not offer a crisis intervention or home treatment service. If the individual requires the involvement of local mental health services, responsibility needs to rest locally to ensure access to all mental health services in the local area and this needs to be the responsibility of the referrer.
- Referral is for neuropsychology testing only. Please refer to physical health psychology services.
- Symptoms are primarily sensory, and this has not been assessed by relevant services.
- Symptoms are primarily cognitive, and this has not been assessed by relevant services.
- Has not been assessed by neurologist.
- Has not had relevant diagnostic tests or imaging completed to enable diagnostic certainty.
- Person is not accepting of diagnosis of FND and/or not willing to engage in self management programme.