How can PALS help?
When using our services sometimes you may need to turn to someone for on-the-spot advice, support or information. Our service is informal, impartial and confidential.
We offer confidential advice and support, helping you sort out any concerns you may have about the care we provide. We pass on your comments to the right people and answer your enquires in an empathetic, efficient and professional manner.
We work closely with colleagues around the Trust to make this happen. Where necessary, we provide independent support separate to your service, if required.
We can also guide you through the different services available from the NHS, social care and the voluntary sector.
Our PALS officers can help you in person and they can support families and carers and they visit our wards regularly. Contact us for details of when we are next meeting on your ward.
If you want to make a formal complaint PALS can direct you to the right team.

What happens to my query when I have finished speaking to PALS?
If we are dealing with a problem on your behalf, we will speak to the service concerned to attempt resolution for you. We will agree to come back to you to let you know how our enquiries are going.
If we are dealing with a concern or a complaint for you, we will make initial enquires and also speak to the complaints officers who can then take your complaint forward for investigation. You will receive an acknowledgment of your complaint and an outcome letter once the investigation into your complaint is complete.
How to contact PALS
Opening hours Monday to Friday 8am – 4pm (excluding bank holidays)
Please make contact with us via the address, email address or the telephone number below and we can assist you with your concern. If you would prefer to meet in person, please contact us using these routes and we can arrange to meet you at your local clinical site.
Postal address (for administration only):
Customer Relations Team – PALS service
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
The Barberry Centre
25 Vincent Drive
West Midlands
B15 2FG.
Telephone: 0800 953 0045
The PALS service also has an answer message service outside of our opening hours and any messages will be responded to in due course.
Outside of Customer Relations opening hours, our switchboard operates 24 hours a day.
Please call 0121 301 0000, which can act as a signpost if required.
Useful contact information
Samaritans on 116 123 – open 24 hours
SANELINE on 0845 767 8000 – open 1pm – 11pm every day
Birmingham Carers Hub – can offer advice on generic carers support groups
0333 0069 711
The Carer’s Trust Solihull – can offer advice on generic carers support groups
0121 788 1143
Stonham Group – organise many of Birmingham’s local carers support groups. Contact them to find out where your nearest group meets. Tel: 0300 304 5530
BSMHFT Lead for Carers Sandra Baker –
Recovery for All –