NHS complaints procedure
We will always try to resolve any problems or difficulties at the earliest opportunity. If you are experiencing any problems with your care from any of our teams, you can request to meet with the team manager.
Our inpatient wards have managers who can resolve any problems or difficulties. We employ matrons across all of our inpatient wards and they are also available to meet with you and will try to solve any problems as soon as possible.
Our customer relations team are available Mondays to Fridays 8am to 4pm on freephone 0800 953 0045. You can also contact them by email at bsmhft.customerrelations@nhs.net. If you speak a community language please telephone PALS stating the language and they will be able to connect an interpreter to assist.
For our deaf service users or carers, we can access Type Talk or fax 0121 678 4456.
ocal resolution
All NHS Trusts must follow the NHS Complaints Procedure. The first stage of the procedure is ‘local resolution’. The aim of local resolution is to investigate the issues raised and to resolve and respond to concerns. The response to the complaint will be sent from the Chief Executive of our Trust. Should you feel the written response has not provided the desired outcome, there will be the opportunity, under stage one (Local Resolution) of the procedure, to discuss further options available including further investigations and/or mediation meetings. Contact the customer relations team for more details.
The Health Service Ombudsman
If you remain dissatisfied with the response given to you following your request for an independent review, you have the right to approach the Health Service Ombudsman. After ensuring that the complaint is within their jurisdiction the Ombudsman may check that everything has been done to resolve the issue locally (stage 1). If they think more can be done, they will refer the issue back to the Trust.
The Ombudsman is completely independent of the NHS and Government, and will look into the way in which your complaint has been handled. You can contact the Ombudsman at:
Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
T: 0845 015 4033
E: OHSC.Enquiries@ombudsman.gsi.gov.uk
Independent Complaints Advocacy Services (ICAS)
ICAS exists to support people who are pursuing a complaint about their NHS treatment or care. Further information can be accessed via their website.